
About this Website

This site is a reflection of my long interest in the Great War, or First World War. My interest centres on the experiences of the ordinary soldier, rather than on infantry tactics or general officers. When I was born in 1966, the Second World War had been over for more than 20 years, and the First World War for nearly fifty. This seemed like ancient history to me when I was in my teens, and now we are past the centenary of the end of the Great War, it seems even longer ago.

A wounded soldier on the field of battle

A wounded soldier on the field of battle. Image from Library and Archives Canada

But interest in the Great War shows no sign of decreasing. In fact the opposite is true. More and more programmes, books and websites are appearing, and interest is growing. The centenary is obviouly a big factor, but so is the interest in family history and maybe the fact thatĀ  the First World War clearly marks a divide. Before, it seems that there was a more tranquil and perhaps more innocent way of life, and afterwards the mechanised, mass production shifts led to theĀ  modern global world we inhabit today.

It also marked the start of a change in class divides in Britain, and also the end of the Great War and how this was handled sowed in part the seeds that led to the Second World War.

In addition, the First World War was the earliest mass conflict for which there is a large amount of imagery available. Both photographs and moving images were captured. The scale of the war was immense – unimaginable to us today. It is often said that almost every household in Britain was affected in some way; just look at the names on your local war memorial.

The veterans of the Great War have passed away one by one, and our last living link with the war is now gone. But the memory of what they did will not fade. In the words spoken every night at the Menin Gate in Ypres ring truer than ever: “We will remember them”.

I look forward to hearing any feedback about the website, please use the form below to contact me.


Most photographs on the site are my own. If you wish to use them please contact me.

Please note that photos other than my own are credited, where the owner/photographer is known. Where possible, permission has been sought to use these images, or they are published in the belief that copyright has expired. If you believe you own copyright or have any other interest in an image on this site please contact me.